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Cultural heritage in sustainable forest management; The Dutch perspective

24 April 2013

Nearly all forests in Europe are the outcome of the work of many generations, each of which has left its traces which can still be found in the forest today.

Examples may include: boundary banks, celtic fields, burial mounds, saw pits, avenues and coppice. Across Europe these kind of valuable forest sites and historical artefacts are being damaged in routine forest management activities. This usually happens unintentionally due to a lack of attention for cultural heritage in forestry and a lack of experience in integrating cultural heritage in forest management. Forest managers and forest owners are in general not aware of all historical artefacts that can be found in their forests. In the Netherlands, cultural heritage has received considerable attention from forest managers during recent years. With this guide Stichting Probos aims to transfer the enthusiasm and passion for the subject and the knowledge that has been developed over the last decade, to forest managers in other countries.

Author(s): Patrick Jansen, Mark van Benthem, Casper de Groot & Martijn Boosten
Year of publication: 2012
Number of pages: 88
ISBN: 978 90 74277 22 8
Price: € 7,50 (excl. shipping)


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