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Climate-smart forestry

Trees and forests are under pressure from dehydration, acidification, fragmentation, high grazing pressure and the changing climate. Probos facilitates forest managers to make their forest future-proof. We do this by making practical (management) knowledge available and developing tools that contribute to climate-smart forestry. A good balance between economic, ecological and social forest functions is hereby crucial.

Forests, Keepers of time

Nearly all European forests have been influenced by many generations of people. Every generation has left behind its traces, which are visible till this day in the form of e.g. boundary and wildlife banks, Celtic fields, burial mounds, loam and iron extraction pits, avenues and tree rows, coppice forest, border trees, historical roads and paths, historical buildings, etc.

Post address

Stichting Probos
P.O. Box 253
6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

T +31 317  466 555
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