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Bosberichten 2022 - 2026

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Engineered Wood Products in 2022

Sander Teeuwen, Jasper Velthuis, Robin Zwijgers, June 2024

An appealing infographic about the import, countries of origin, consumption and application of engineered wood products (EWP) in 2022.

To deepen this infographic, read the Dutch background article in the Houtwereld dated 25 June 2024, entitled: 'Eerste data over gebruik van CLT, glulam en I-balken in Nederland'

#1-2024 / ‘Conservation Timber,’ wood with a story!

Eli Prins, Mark van Benthem, Sietze van Dijk

A year and a half ago, Stichting Probos was asked to use its knowledge and contacts to develop a market for ‘conservation timber’ as part of the Cities4Forests program. This has resulted in partnerships between the municipalities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam and forest communities in Suriname, Bolivia, Guyana, and Guatemala. Conservation timber from these community forests is being used for various applications, including benches, boardwalks, and bicycle and pedestrian bridges. In this article, you will read why and how Probos is working on this initiative.

#1-2022 / FLEGT VPA Independent Market Monitoring 2021 voor Nederland

Met het FLEGT Actieplan wil de EU zorgen dat er enkel nog aantoonbaar legaal geoogste en verwerkte houtproducten op de EU markt gebracht worden. Sinds 2017 is Stichting Probos voor Nederland nationaal correspondent voor de FLEGT Independent Market Monitoring (IMM) en rapporteert jaarlijks over de effecten van FLEGT VPA op de Nederlandse houthandel. Daarvoor voert zij interviews uit bij de importerende houthandel. In dit Bosbericht worden de belangrijkste resultaten van de IMM monitor van de afgelopen jaren voor Nederland beschreven met nadruk op 2021.

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6700 AG Wageningen
The Netherlands

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